Coaching On-Demand

Do you have a specific people problem and need fast solutions?

Coaching On-Demand courses offer practical, simple solutions to complex people problems.

Courses each include 10 short videos delivered straight to your inbox, each with a prompt or reflection. Complete the sessions on your own schedule, in as little as 30 minutes a week.

Managing Leadership's Expectations

Start Today!

Cost: $69.95

Are you looking to improve how you manage up? Do your leaders have unrealistic expectations?
Does your boss make work harder than it needs to be?

This course is for you.

Course details.

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Virtual Teambuilding

Start Today!

Cost: $69.95

Are you a manager with at least one remote employee? Is your team more competitive than collaborative? Do you need to improve team trust, but struggle in the hybrid or remote working environment?

This course is for you.

Course details.

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Dealing with Low Performing Employees

Start Today!

Enroll early and save! Preorder Cost: $49.95 (expires 3/15/2023)

Do you have an employee who just can't seem to get it? Is poor performance on your team reflecting poorly on you as the leader? Are you wondering how to fix it, or even if you can?

This course is for you.

Course details.

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Inspiring Real Change at Work

Coming Spring 2023

Enroll early and save!
Preorder Cost: $49.95

Do you want to be a better change agent? Are the words "change management" hot buzzwords at your company today? Do you want to make a difference, but wonder how you can without having a corner office?

This course is for you.

More details coming soon.

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Being the Best without Burning Out

Coming Spring 2023

Enroll early and save!
Preorder Cost: $49.95

Do you struggle with saying "no"? Are you taking on more and more work, but not able to let go of anything else? Do you know you need to delegate, but you don't know how to start?

This course is for you.

More details coming soon.

Enroll Early

Check back as we update our course library and future offerings.

Looking for a more tailored solution?

Check Out Individual Management Coaching

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