Corporate Leadership Training

Is your organization suffering from the ‘frozen middle’?

The ‘frozen middle’ refers to the middle layer of management who often impact the largest majority of workers, but who struggle to execute real change directed from the top.

Nearly all industries and organizations are prone to suffering from a frozen middle.

The reason? Executives spend their days looking at, and thinking about, the big picture.

We sift through great ideas, choose the ones with the strongest business case, and direct the organization to execute them.

But the middle management layers are busy in the weeds. They can’t take a breath from the day-to-day, let alone carve out time to lead a change initiative.

And moreover… they were never trained how to lead changes.

Do you have a 'frozen middle'?

Middle and rising managers know how to do their jobs and be likeable to their people (if we’re lucky!). More often than not, they do not have the practical skills for managing complex changes alongside daily procedures and performance.

How Perennial Can Help Unfreeze Your Frozen Middle

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